It Finally happened!

My film, Sleep has been subject of a Master’s Thesis at University of South Florida.
Let’s unpack some highlights:

Cohabitation Aesthetics: Chris delves into what he calls “aesthetics of cohabitation,” breaking down how my film challenges norms around space and time. Imagine cozying up with art in your own space – that’s the vibe!

Digital Magic: I’m stoked Chris noticed the digital magic behind “Sleep.” We’re talking YouTube accessibility, eight-hour visual experiences – all the good stuff! Taking Warhol’s vision and giving it a 21st-century twist.

Home Sweet Aura: Chris chats about how my film brings the aura right into your living room. It’s like having your own art party at home – how cool is that?

Jamming with Experimental Beats: He draws connections to experimental music legends like Lucier and Young. I guess my film’s got some groovy parallels with those beats – a fusion of visuals and vibes.

COVID Siesta: In this crazy COVID world, Chris wonders if snoozing through my film is a legit form of art appreciation. Well, why not? A cozy movie nap might just be the cure for digital overload!

So, big thanks to Chris for shining a spotlight on “Sleep” in his thesis. Check it out and join the conversation!